Everyone has experienced trauma during their lifetime. The doctors slap on your tiny bum or entering that cold room during the birthing process for one. Or hysterically laughing at a comedian's jokes! Lots of extra emotions that your body has to store - somewhere. Those extra emotions are stored for your Fight of Fight survival response. When was the last time you had to run from a sabretooth tiger? Exactly, never!
We do need to store some extra energy for when you have to hurry out of the way of something before you got hurt. That adrenaline rush is an example of Flight or Fight as well.
So where do excess emotions go? You have an ache? It is probably being stored there. How can we chip away at these excess emotions that are causing you dis-ease? By the way, dis-ease comes in a bunch of different flavors like pain, headaches, anxiety, sadness, anger, frustration, unable to sleep, etc.
The Emotion Code is one way!
I chose this modality because it is a series of questions only. You release the emotion causing dis-ease without having to relive the Trama.
Click below to explore more about the Emotion Code:
The Emotion Code: Change Your World Now!
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